Our story

Welcome to Doorsystems, a premier manufacturer of high-quality garage doors based in Belgium. Our journey began by embracing the legacy and expertise of an established door production company that had been crafting doors since 1958. When the original company ceased operations, we seized the opportunity to carry forward their know-how and dedication to quality, transforming it into the innovative company we are today.

From Iron to Aluminum

Building on the foundational knowledge we acquired, we made significant advancements in door manufacturing. One of our key innovations was transitioning from welding iron to using extruded aluminum for our door structures. This change not only enhanced the durability and strength of our doors but also improved their aesthetic appeal and resistance to corrosion. Our aluminum frames are designed to accommodate several hundred kilos, ensuring robust and reliable performance.

Innovation and Excellence

At Doorsystems, we pride ourselves on our ability to innovate and refine every aspect of our garage doors. We continuously improve various components, such as incorporating 5 cm thick polystyrene insulation for superior thermal efficiency and using water-resistant wood panels for cladding. Our doors are equipped with advanced safety mechanisms, including double cables and anti-fall systems, ensuring the highest level of security for our clients.

Custom Designs for Unique Homes

Every home is unique, and so are our doors. We offer a wide range of designs to suit different architectural styles and personal preferences. From rustic wood to sleek glass, and from traditional to modern, our doors are crafted to enhance the beauty and functionality of your home. We collaborate closely with architects, creative homeowners, and businesses to deliver bespoke solutions that meet their specific needs.

Our Commitment

Our mission is to provide top-quality garage doors that combine elegance, durability, and innovation. Led by Jonathan Surinx, we work with skilled freelancers who bring their expertise to every project, ensuring that each door we produce meets our exacting standards. We are dedicated to customer satisfaction, striving to exceed expectations with every door we create.

Thank you for choosing Doorsystems. We look forward to helping you find the perfect garage door that enhances the value and appeal of your home.